Rescuing Alix by Krista Ames

Chapter Five

It was more than shock that struck her as Kody’s roughened hands covered her own.  Safety and warmth encompassed her and oddly enough, he felt cared for.  It couldn’t really mean anything, he didn’t even know her; he was just trying to lend his support.  He was a pretty smart guy, no doubt he could tell how shaken her confrontation with that guy made her. 

“Thank you for coming to my rescue yet again. I can’t imagine what you must be thinking of me.”

His brain was probably telling him to leave, run as fast as he could in the opposite direction.

“If you only knew.”

“What do you mean by that?  Was I that bad?  I promise you I’m not always about this much drama…

“No wait. I didn’t mean that the way it sounded, I promise.  I was actually impressed watching you take on that guy.  Honestly what ran through my head was, not only is this woman beautiful, sexy and independent but she’s a firecracker and can hold her own.  I’d love to see how badass you might be in a self-defense class.”

“I think you’re delusional.  Are you sure you didn’t bump your head at that fire last night.”

Alix didn’t see herself as any of those things Kody described.  She had always been shy but no way was she sexy.  Maybe he was confusing her with her best friend Chloe; she was the outgoing one, always the partier and a definite man chaser.  Alix couldn’t even get a guy to stick around long enough for a second or third date.  How pathetic was that? 

“How about I get you some lunch? I say you’ve earned it.” And she really wanted to change the subject away from her.  It made her uncomfortable.

“I can’t argue with lunch.  I’m hungry and I was really looking forward to it yesterday before I got called out.  I thought about that meatball sub all night but what I’d really like is that date I’ve been trying so hard to get.  Will you give me a second chance?”

He wasn’t giving up but she was hesitant to say yes.  There was still that little doubt monster creeping into her subconscious telling her this one wouldn’t stick around either but on the other hand, she was dying to go out with Kody, even if it was just for ice cream. If she accepted, she was sure to see that gorgeous smile again and if she made the suggestion for what they should do, then maybe she might feel like she had just a little bit of control?  Maybe

“Okay Kody, I’d love to go out.  I know it’s another hot one again today, what about that ice cream you mentioned yesterday?  I’m done here at 4.”

And there it was, the smile that could so very easily melt her heart if she weren’t careful. 

“It’s a date.  I get off at three but I’ll wait around no problem.  I’m sure there’s something I can clean in the firehouse til you’re ready.”

“Perfect, now let me get you that sandwich.”


Yes! Yes, yes, yes.  I can’t keep asking her to give me another chance so no screwing this one up!

Kody smiled when Alix delivered the sub he’d been craving so badly.  She smothered it in mozzarella while it was hot so it was melting everywhere. The sandwich was exactly as she’d described, only he was a little disappointed when she didn’t sit with him.  She was working though, and had things to do. He needed to not be selfish at this stage of the game.  The lunch crowd had only just started arriving so she didn’t have time to chit chat.

He’d ultimately got what he wanted when she agreed to the ice cream date and she was a little on the shy side so it wouldn’t benefit him to push or act possessive.  He just couldn’t help it, the more time he spent around her the more he craved. He couldn’t remember when he’d ever had it so bad for a girl before, even in school. He just had to make sure she had a great time so she’d agree to a second date. Hopefully that wouldn’t be asking for too much.

After he finished his lunch, Kody cleaned up his mess so Alix had one less thing to do, and stopped at the front counter to leave a hefty tip in their jar.  She’d refused to let him pay for his lunch, claiming it was payment for him saving her from creepy guys.  As long as she didn’t think he was one of those himself, all was good.  He waited til he caught her eye, smiled at her one last time as he waved a hand and left before he decided to skip out of work and watch her all day. 

The rest of the afternoon proved to be a slow one for the firehouse, making him wish he had stuck around the café longer. He usually kept himself busy in the weight room when things were slow, and the trucks were all clean. Kody hadn’t ever seen himself as one of the better-looking guys around, but he was an average height of five foot eight inches and a hundred and fifty-five pounds.  What he did pride himself on was his solid abs.  He loved it that work was so close to the beach. Most mornings before he clocked in or after he clocked out if he worked the late shift, he took a mile jog down the water front and back. 

He’d also noticed that Alix was in decent shape too but was just a tiny thing, probably only five foot three.  Kody was more than sure she walked to work every morning so maybe there was a chance she was a runner too.  That would give them something in common at least, and he might get a running partner. Might be kinda romantic to run together on the beach in the mornings. “Why are you always getting ahead of yourself? You haven’t even been on a date yet.”

“I don’t mean to listen in, but you’ve been talking to yourself a lot here the last couple days.” His buddy Kamryn always caught him off guard.

“Nah, I’m okay.  Just going over everything in my head.”

“Oh, is this about the little hottie across the street.” Kody felt his face get hot. Since when did anything embarrass him?

“Yeah, Alix. She’s pretty special. I really like her a lot.”

“I can see that.  You’ve never gone this nuts about a girl before.”

“Yeah it’s weird isn’t it?  I’m not sure what it is, I just can’t help it. She just consumes me.”

“Oh dude, you are in so much trouble.” His friend was shaking his head as he walked away.

“Hey, get back here, what does that mean?”