Blade by Eva Kent

Chapter 1


It’s beentwo weeks since Flint said he’d let us know what he decided to do about this recurring Street Wolf problem. Two weeks I waited, ready for some satisfying solution to make sure we don’t have any more issues with them. I waited fourteen goddamn days just to sit in that meeting room to hear Flint talk about a fucking truce. They went too far, trespassing and kidnapping Marilyn. Yeah, Talon and Blaze fucked up, but that matter could have easily been resolved differently. If Fang would have just contacted Flint and told him what happened instead of trying to milk him for an assload of money. We wouldn’t have had to fight and Fang wouldn’t have lost some of his men.

He doesn’t deserve another truce. We all know there’s never going to be any real peace with Fang, so there’s no point in pretending. I give it two months before he tries some stupid shit, and we’re going to be fighting again.

But my opinions on this matter aren’t going to be voiced. Hector would have a jolly old time fussing at me for going against Flint’s decision. Then he would have said some shit about how giving women jobs that give them power enables them to make more choices and question the men in charge, or some other bullshit. He would have said some shit along those lines and I would have gotten reprimanded for cursing out an elder and forquestioning Flint’s decision. I’m not standing on solid ground in the Blood Brotherhood yet–I haven’t been inducted. But I still do work for Flint, which pisses the elders off. Hector is the only one that actually expresses his disdain, but the way the others look at me, I know they loathe the fact that I’m at the table with the men.

I’m not about to give them any reason to talk down to me in front of my face.

So I bit the hell out of my tongue in that meeting, and that’s what’s eating away at me the most. Everyone else expresses themselves, but the second I do it, Hector’s coming at me with some bullshit, never mind the fact that one of the dudes could express my same sentiment, and he wouldn’t say shit to them.

I don’t hold my tongue too often, but these past few months while I’ve been the tag-along lackey to everyone in the club, I’ve had to chomp down on my cheek more times than I want to think about.

I’m happy with the promotion I got. Instead of only going along with Slash, I’m a helping hand wherever it’s needed. I get to sit in on meetings and ride out with them, which I’m extremely glad about. I have wanted that for so long, and fighting a deranged wolf alpha got it for me. Zagan really kicked my ass, and being as close as I am now to the Brotherhood is worth that beating I took from him. I’ve fought my fair share of psychotic shifters, but he’s at the top of the list of insane motherfuckers. Flint was able to recognize how hard I tried to protect Layla and did what he could to get me where I am now.

But those old dicks at the head of the table won’t let him go forward with making me a real member. Where I stand at the moment, I can easily be kicked out if I’m not careful, and I don’t want all my hard work up to this point to go to waste.

One of these days it’ll be easier, but I don’t know how soon that’s going to be.

Jade sets another glass of bourbon down in front of me and takes the glass that I just emptied. It’s not really that busy tonight–weeknights never really are. Jade has early 2000s rock playing over the loudspeakers, and even though it’s not loud, it still drowns the chatter out. Aster and Ax, along with a few other gang members, sit in the corner where Slash and I usually sit. A few more people sit scattered around the room, sitting alone or in twos, trying to get that buzz going after work.

That’s what I’m trying to do after this meeting.

“Why do you look so….sullen?” Jade asks as she dumps the ice from my old glass into the sink.

I let out a sigh. We aren’t supposed to talk about club matters with anyone who’s not a part of it, so I can’t tell her what's going on in my head right now. I’d love to vent, but it’s not worth the chewing-out I’d have to sit through.

“I’d tell you, but I don’t want Hector to have a reason to say it was me if something got out that was discussed because ‘you know how us women love to gossip.’” I roll my eyes.

“Come on,” she pouts, dropping her shoulders. “You can tell me, I won’t say anything.”

“I don’t want to risk it,” I say, shaking my head and picking up my glass. “Besides, it’s nothing that can be fixed with a discussion. I’d much rather just drink anyway.”

“I bet you’re missing your drinking partner right about now, huh?” she asks, wiping the counter off.

“Miss is an understatement.” I take a sip from my glass, enjoying the burn as it goes down. “But you know what, I’m happy for them both. Marilyn’s getting laid, and she seems more “laid” back now, and Slash, who knew all he needed was a lady to make him less crotchety.”

Jade laughs and shakes her head. “I’m sure Marilyn having sex has nothing to do with how laid back she is now.”

“I know,” I chuckle. “But really, I’m happy for them. True mates—sitting under each other’s noses this entire time. I thought that shit was supposed to be instant.”

“Mmm, not for everyone, it isn’t,” Jade tells me. “It takes some time for some to figure out they’re mates.”

Her statement and tone make it seem like she knows what she’s talking about based on experience. I’m not sure if I want to ask about her late husband. She rarely ever talks about him, but the soft look on her face makes it seem like she wants to reminisce.

“Is that what it was like for you and Michael?” I ask her.

“Oh yeah,” she confirms, nodding. “We’d known each other since highschool. Thoroughly repulsed by one another for years, but we were best friends. Long story short, we ended up getting tipsy one night after he came back from his first semester of college, and that’s when we found out we were true mates. You can know your true mate for years but not know it. Think about how many mates miss out on each other because they just don’t feel the connection instantly,” Jade points out thoughtfully.

“I guess the lucky ones are the mates that connect instantly. See, and that’s why I encourage fucking on the first date. That way, you figure that shit out early on and you don’t have to waste time.”

“You know that’s probably not how it works, right?” Jade laughs.

“No, actually,” I chuckle. “I don’t know enough about that side of life to say something accurate about it.”

“I know you’ve said it a million times—” ah shit. Here we go. “—but you really aren’t concerned about who your true mate could be?”

I take a sip of my drink, trying to figure out if my thoughts have changed since she last asked me, and they haven’t.

“Not at all,” I answer. “And if I meet them, then I’m disappearing as fast as possible, but I’m not worried about actually running into him. He could be on the other side of the world and I’m on this side, in lil’ ole Penfell Heights. No way am I going to just happen across him like Layla, and I highly doubt he’s been here in Penfell the entire time. I’m definitely not going to search him out either because I don’t want any part of a mate bond. That’s the exact reason I fuck on the first date—so I can get out of dodge before anything else happens. I don’t want to lose myself to an attraction I can’t control. Nothing about that sounds intriguing to me.”

“I just think it’s crazy that you don’t think about it from time to time. Have you ever thought about meeting the bear that could possibly make you give in to it?” Jade questions.

I shake my head. “Nope, and there’s no point in thinking about it because I’m not going to give in.”

“Well, I’ve thought about who your mate could be plenty of times.”

Now that’s an odd surprise.

“What? Why?” I ask her. “I’ve never even thought about it.”

“Have you met you?” She raises an eyebrow at me. “Your mate is going to have to be one strong son of a bitch to be with you.”

“Oh, whatever,” I roll my eyes. “I’m not even that hard to deal with. I’m a sweetheart if you don’t piss me off.”

Besides the fact that my bear is combative as fuck and is always ready to claw someone or something up, I find I’m pleasant to interact with as long as I’m not challenged because that’s when I get serious.

“And I’m not saying you aren’t lovely to be around—whatever bear is linked up with you is going to have to be one patient, very strong soul. Otherwise, you’re going to walk all over him. You need someone who’ll be able to keep up with you.”

“Which is one reason I’m not wasting my time searching because no guy would be able to.”

The door to the bar opens, and the bell rings through the quiet room. I look over my shoulder, and I swallow hard. Maybe I need to retract my previous statement. Because the one bear in this entire world that I wouldn’t mind getting involved with stands in the doorway.

I don’t know what it is, but there’s just something about Blade that I’ve always liked. It might be his quietness or the peace he seems to radiate, but he’s just easy to be around. I’m not the only one who thinks so. Everybody loves him—especially women. It’s not a secret that women are attracted to the quiet, mysterious type, and Blade is exactly that. And it helps that he’s six foot two and hella jacked. He’s a gentle giant, and women eat that shit up.

I’m one of them, but I’m just better at hiding it than most.

Nobody knows about this secret attraction I have to Blade. The only person I told was drunk off her ass, and I’m not sure she remembers. She remembered enough to think I lied about screwing Slash, so I’m not sure if Marilyn recalls my confession. I really fucking hope not. I only told her to get her off my ass about Slash.

There’s no point in putting this minor attraction out there anyway. Nothing will come of it for more than one reason: he sees me as one of the guys, I’m certain I’m not his type, and above all else, the gang is my main focus right now. Even if he were interested, I’d never reciprocate. I can already hear Hector’s raspy voice telling me to stay home and worry about having kids.

I shiver at the thought.

It doesn’t hurt me that there’s a chance I could end up without a mate, nor does it make me frantic or scared that my clock is running out of time. What I’m terrified of is having to give up my position in the gang.

So I squash the thoughts running through my head and turn back around to sip my bourbon. I watch as the few women sitting at the bar sit up just a bit straighter when Blade walks in, poking out their chests and twirling their hair around their fingers, watching him as he moves around the room.

If batting my eyelashes, playing in my hair, and making other cutesy, flirty gestures like that is what it takes to get a mate, then I’ll never get one.

Aster calls Blade over to where he and Ax sit in the corner, but I hear Blade say he’ll be over in a moment. Seconds later, he’s at my side, and I’m swallowed up by that comforting, warm scent of his.

“What can I get you, Blade?” Jade asks, polishing a glass.

“Nothing yet. I’m going to come back in a bit for it,” he says, then he turns to me. “Can I talk to you for a moment?”

“Sure.” I hop off my stool, taking my glass with me, and follow him out the side door that leads to the alley with the trash cans.

When the door closes behind us, I lean on the wall opposite him and sip from my glass.

“You ran out of the meeting pretty quickly,” he states, putting his hands in his pockets. “Something wrong?”

My stare lingers on his handsome face, and his pale blue eyes lock into mine. His shaggy blond hair falls around his face, and I have the urge to run my fingers through it. His clean-shaven face shows off his chiseled jawline and that dimple in his chin that women probably fawn over. He’s the type of handsome that turns pretty if he’s stared at for long enough.

I wish I knew what it is he’s thinking as his inquisitive gaze picks me apart so I can deflect. The thing about Blade is it’s impossible to tell what’s on his mind unless he says it. He and Flint couldn’t be more different. Every emotion Flint has shows clearly on his face and through his body language. But Blade isn’t that easy.

What makes it worse is the fact that he sits back and watches everything. He knows shit some of us don’t simply because he takes the time to observe. I always watch what I do around him.

“What, did Flint sniff out my aggravation?” I ask before sipping my drink. “Did he send you to get answers?”

Blade shakes his head. “I’m sure more of them were a little annoyed, but Fang’s not an idiot. He knows he’s outmatched, and if he didn’t know before that last battle, he knows now. He’d be an idiot not to agree to the terms Flint’s going to give him.”

“That’s exactly what Fang is, though,” I state. “And he’s going to keep up with his stupid plots against us if he’s given the space to. You heard Slash—who knows what he’s going to do with those scent blockers he has.”

“And that’s why Flint isn’t going to give him that space,” Blade informs me. “He’s going to request a meeting with Fang to discuss a permanent ceasefire and a list of ways to resolve possible issues in the future, so we don’t have to fight anymore.”

“You think that’s going to work?” I question him.

“Seeing as how Fang doesn’t play by the rules, I’m not sure, but it has strong potential,” Blade says. “Flint wants you to come with us when we go discuss these terms.”

That takes me by surprise—I don’t ever get to carry out diplomatic tasks like these. I’ve been with Slash to take a couple of people out, I’ve gone with him to rough people up for the money they owe and to make drops, but I’ve never had my hands on anything like this before.

“Me?” My shock is evident. “Really? Why?”

“Well, Gunner’s injuries are still taking a toll on him, and Flint needs more muscle.”

“Oh, I’m considered muscle?” I question, feigning being flattered, but I really am. I play it off—I don’t want it to be obvious that I’m excited.

“You act like you don’t know that to be true.”

“No, it just surprised me that he wants me there for this,” I admit.

“You ran out of there before he could ask you himself. So are you going to do it? You don’t have to, but he wants you there for a reason. Even if you are a replacement for Gunner, you were his first pick. That shows how much faith he has in you.”

“Yeah, I’ll go,” I reply, holding back how hyped I am for this.

I don’t necessarily want to go work on a peace treaty with Fang and his gang, but no way am I going to say no when I’ve wanted to be more involved with gang shit. All I’ve been doing is helping Slash carry out his duties and running errands for Flint, so this is definitely a step up.

“Who all’s on this team anyway?” I ask him.

“Tiberius and Slash are the others.”

I nod. “Okay. Do the elders know I’m going on a mission like this?”

“They weren’t too pleased about it, but Flint needed a fifth person, and you fit the bill,” Blade tells me.

“If I didn’t want to go before, I would’ve changed my mind just to piss them off,” I remark, and Blade chuckles.

Somehow, I’m able to get him to let loose that rich, joyful laugh of his, and I don’t think many can, but the shit that flies out of my mouth tickles him for some reason.

“Now that that’s settled, let me buy you a drink,” he says, pulling his phone out of his pocket. “Just let me send Flint this message telling him you’re on board aaand—done.”

“You know I’ll never turn down a free drink,” I say, opening the door. “But aren’t your pockets hurting from buying me drinks?”

“If they were, I wouldn't keep offering,” he smirks at me.

“Alright, Mr. Money bags.”

I resume my seat back at the bar, and now, excitement mixes with my annoyance, and there’s maybe just a smidge of nervousness. The first real matter of business I’m going to be a part of, and it’s to work on a peace treaty with our rivals. I can’t say I’m ready for that part—I don’t give a shit about being peaceful with the Street Wolves. But this one opportunity could pave the way for more, and that’s what I’m ready for.

I just have to make sure I contain myself and hold back any outburst that might make Flint regret his decision.

Given what we’re going to do, containing myself may be easier said than done.